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    Current page location: Home Page > Article > How to develop customers efficiently
    How to develop customers efficiently
    Browse volume:3500 | Reply:0 | Release time:2020-12-17 15:15:11

    Efficient customer development is the only way out in a competitive environment

    How many foreign trade people since the work has been emphasized more development customers, emphasizing high efficiency, but do not know how to develop efficiently, and finally can only watch other people's performance to get soft, in fact, just do foreign trade small partners, in the do not know what customers want, do not know market demand, unfamiliar with the product situation, can not effectively develop customers is actually understandable, but if it is old hands, or can not effectively develop customers that is your own problem, do not know what do not want to know, Don't know what the customer wants, how can such a work attitude pay the bill?

    If we want to quickly master the skill of developing customers efficiently, we must first understand the following problems in order to better solve the problem that is not available at present.

    1. What is our position in this market? 

    2. Can the products and services we offer make us enough money in this market share? 

    3. How much do we need to invest to enter this market? 

    4. Is there competition in this share of the market we want to enter and what is our competitive advantage? 

    5. How much money or time do we need to make up for our competitive weaknesses? 

    6. In this market share, do customers need our personalized services and products? 

    First, to understand our customers

    1. Who are our customers? 

    2. What do our customers want? 

    3. What is the customer's motivation to buy?

    We need to figure out what the customer wants and what benefits it will bring to him. If a customer wants something, he will have a strong desire to buy it, because it will satisfy his desire, such as making more money and getting a higher quality of life and status.

    We don't try to sell customers what they don't need to buy, such as product inventory, household goods, these things only when the customer inventory to the picket line they will buy, and they have a fixed supplier, the desire to buy is generally not very strong, replenishment is also a regular small batch replenishment.

    So how do we learn more about our customers? Let's ask ourselves a few questions first, and we'll be better off:

    1. Do our potential customers usually buy our equivalents or related products? We can learn about it through our customers' websites and promotional materials. 

    2. Who is the clapper who can decide on the procurement action? Who can have a decisive impact on customer purchasing actions? Is that the boss? Or a purchasing manager? Project leader? Or a secretary? If you find the right person, things will go a lot better. 

    3. What is the potential motivation for our target customers' purchasing behavior? Is it the appearance of the product? The price of the product? The quality of the product? Is the product's market potential going to be popular locally soon? Product freshness, the local just have special needs to use our products? These are all that can be talked about in the process of communicating with the customer.

    At the beginning of this part of the work will be a bit blind, so this time you need to use customs data, through data analysis will know the industry's general growth, product distribution, channel structure and so on. For the customer's overall supply chain has a better grasp, for you and the customer's conversation will be very helpful, through customs data, but also all-round understanding of all aspects of the buyer's information, to effectively follow up customers, transaction customers also have a very significant help.

    In recent years, data service providers on the big data mining more and more in-depth, bringing moreand more additional data features, here recommended e Tradesns (,after all, is the customs data, real-time effective is the primary requirement, easy home on the trade big data in-depth mining, can display all aspects of overseas buyers in all dimensions, all aspects of information, can quickly understand the overall information of the target customers.

    Second, segment the market and target customers

    For foreign trade clerks and foreign trade companies, don't want to sell your products to the world, or do global business. Doing so often leaves people with no way to get started, making it difficult to sell products and accumulate customers.

    Market competition is very fierce, to be strong and small not big consciousness, in the small market segment, your advantages and activity space is much stronger. It costs less money and invests relatively little energy. To be able to do a good job of a regional or national share, enough to feed a factory and company.

    Third, write a good letter of foreign trade business development, seize the hearts of customers

    We write foreign trade development letters not only to tell each other what you do, but also to turn them into our customers. Let's do the development letter in two steps.

    The first step is to be short and one-size-fits-all, so that the other person is interested in you, so that you can learn more, and look at your email below.

    We can use an eye-catching title:

    Such as The secrect of how to reduce XXXX cost and improve profit. Victoria's Secret of XXXXX products

    The second step is to write all our sales pitches in as short a text as possible in the body of the message. For our development letter to be persuasive, there must be several components:

    1. Explain to the prospect the problem he is experiencing. 

    2. Emphasize the importance of the customer's problems, and we can solve them well. 

    3. Emphasize to the customer what benefits can be brought to the customer through our program. 

    4. Explain to customers the price of our products, related fees, payment methods, terms of trade

    5. Provide the customer with a guarantee to avoid loss to the customer. Such as: half a year, a year replacement, or provide repair parts, or spare parts. 

    The development letter contains the above five points, which will be much more attractive to customers.

    Fourth, set sales and marketing goals

    If we don't set sales targets, all our marketing efforts will be on paper. When we set sales goals, we need to combine the following factors:

    1. Must be realistic and perceable. 

    2. Must be measurable and supported by testable data. 

    3. It must be possible. 

    4. Must be feasible and achievable. 

    5. There must be a clear completion time. 

    Sales targets must be measured by financial data such as annual sales revenue, gross margin, volume of business per salespable, and so on. At the same time, we also need to pay attention to non-financial factors, such as the number of contract signings, the number of customers to negotiate, the number of product release publicity and so on.

    Fifth, the formulation of marketing budget details

    If you've been in the industry for a year or more, it's easier to figure out how much it costs to develop a customer and how much it takes to successfully complete an order. This helps you put your next year's marketing budget into corresponding customer development and targeted marketing.

    Understanding these steps is only the beginning,the 80/20principle runs throughout our work,80percent success often depends on 20 percent of the hard work, and 80 percent of ourwork often does not produce direct benefits.


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