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    Tradesns Foreign Trade Community
    Current page location: Home Page > Article > What kind of salesman do you like?
    What kind of salesman do you like?
    Browse volume:3580 | Reply:0 | Release time:2019-11-19 11:30:26

    Many salesmen will think that the most important thing to do foreign trade is to master proficient and fluent English, so that they can speak freely with foreign customers.

    In fact, this is not the most important quality of foreign trade practitioners. Most foreign businessmen are considerate. Not everyone has the talent to master another language.

    At the end of the day, spoken English is just a tool. Like MSN, email and Skype, it can play a huge role in the communication with foreign businessmen if it is used properly. What foreign trade salesmen need to exercise is their ability to use these tools flexibly, that is, good communication skills. Salesmen can learn and accumulate little by little in the communication with foreign businessmen, and then form their own style. They can also learn more about the customs, etiquette, cultural background and thinking mode of other countries, so as to lay a solid foundation for smooth communication.

    Of course, professional product knowledge will greatly enhance the possibility of cooperation between the two sides.

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