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    Yizhijia - SNS precision marketing platform based on trade big data provides you with all relevant labelswayInformation content of.
    How to follow up customers in a rhythmic way?
    Reply:1 | Release time:2019-12-12 11:22:37
    How to Import From China - Doing Business the Chinese Way
    Reply:0 | Release time:2019-03-29 16:06:49
    import data</a></strong> is a single solution to all your queries. This data is considered a very important medium for every importer to expand their business and earn profits. This data helps them in knowing the trend of the international trade market and analyzing demand of products in the market.</p><p>You will find competitors in almost every business in the world and one should know how to keep up the pace with them. No business is free from challenges and competitors and if you are in a business of importation, you must have already known that this field is full of different tasks and challenges. In order to survive you must know each and every move of your competitors like what did they import, from which country& port, number of items they brought, in what pricing they imported items, what import duty they paid, HS code, origin & destination port and many more.</p><p>This data is very confidential and not easily accessible to everyone. Only the data providing websites have an access to get this detailed information. They fetch such information from very reliable sources which include lading bills, invoices, bill of shipping, entry bill and bills of import. They fetch all this information from above reliable sources and put in an excel file format and send to their clients through emails after getting the complete payment from the client's end. Before getting payment, they enable their clients to view and download a random sample data at free of cost so that their clients understand the layout of the actual data.</p><p>It contains information like short product description, harmonized system code, date and time of shipment (Date, month, year and time), load vessel name, supplier name& contact details, buyer name& contact details, quantity (Number of items imported), net weight of imported items, unit, total amount, imposed import duty and custom duty, applicable GST rate (Goods & Service Tax), currency (Mostly in US currency), method of transportation and country of destination etc.</p><p>Yes, it is true that this information can be obtained by using the internet but you need to admit the fact that there is no 100% guarantee of originality of the data. Finding this import data on the internet is sometimes time- consuming and confusing too. With the help of the internet, you can get only basic information but for more detailed information, you need to contact data providing websites. There are lots of companies available in your hometown which help their millions of clients by providing them updated and authentic version of global data according to their choice and business requirements. You just need to subscribe to their services and take advantage of their valuable services.</p>" />
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    How to Import From China - Doing Business the Chinese Way
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