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    Gmail 相关文章
    易之家-基于贸易大数据的SNS精准营销平台为你提供所有有关标签Gmail的信息内容 。
    Gmail 不能用了,我们该怎么办?
    回复:2 | 发布时间:2018-08-29 10:08:43
    gmail 被限制 亲们 是时候做个企业邮箱了
    回复:1 | 发布时间:2014-12-29 09:25:12
    gmail 发送失败之后为什么还会再自动发送
    回复:2 | 发布时间:2012-03-12 08:52:35
    回复:1 | 发布时间:2011-11-10 14:57:20
    Gmail 和 Hotmail 哪个好 ,大家都来说说? 
    回复:7 | 发布时间:2009-08-06 13:30:51
    谷歌工程师排除万难攻克世界难关 Gmail终可插图
    回复:1 | 发布时间:2009-04-23 22:42:17
    回复:5 | 发布时间:2009-04-20 10:22:48
    Official Gmail Themes are beautiful</a></h3><p>Google just rolled out a new feature in Gmail —Themes. This has been talked about for quite some time, and you can tell they have been working hard on it. The themes available to be installed on your account are truly beautiful, and I’m positive this have a significant impact on both user retention and even new users.</p> <p>There are tons of themes to choose from — they range from a theme that looks like you are using a terminal application to ones that change throughout the day like some available for iGoogle.</p> <p><img src=https://www.tradesns.com/cn/tag/"http://blogs.zdnet.com/Google/images/gmailterminal.png" alt="gmailterminal.png" /></p> <p><img src=https://www.tradesns.com/cn/tag/"http://blogs.zdnet.com/Google/images/gmailsnow.png" alt="gmailsnow.png" /></p> <p>There is currently no way to create your own themes (without using something like Greasemonkey), but since they are allowing people to create iGoogle themes now, I don’t see any reason why they can’t do the same with Gmail.</p> <p>To add themes to your Gmail, click on “settings” in the top right corner, then select the “Themes” tab. From there, you can simply click the themes you want to try out, and you’re done.</p> <p>What do you think of the new themes?</p><p> </p>" />
    Official Gmail Themes are beautiful
    回复:0 | 发布时间:2008-11-25 17:36:19
    Gmail exploit lets attackers forward your email to them</a></font></h3><p><font color="#008000"> </font></p><p>Philipp Lenssen spotted a post by Brandon at GeekCondition that explains the general idea behind an attack that can be used to set up filters in your Gmail account without your knowledge. It’s important to be aware of these kind of things so you can better protect yourself.</p> <p>In order for this to work, someone has to first steal your Gmail cookie — bad guys are always looking for new ways to do this, and according to Brandon, there is at least one (but probably several) outstanding methods that can be used to get your cookie.</p> <p>As long as you practice safe browsing techniques, the risk of your Gmail account being compromised is significantly lower. Here are some things you can do to protect yourself.</p> <ol><li>When you aren’t using your Gmail, log out. Staying logged in is handy, but it makes these kind of attacks possible.</li><li>Don’t visit websites you don’t trust. That sounds pretty obvious, but it’s just as important as making sure your Gmail account is logged out when you’re not using it.</li><li>Use NoScript if your browser is Firefox. This adds an additional (and very powerful) layer of security between you and the bad guys. There’s nothing similar for Internet Explorer or Google Chrome that I’m aware of.</li></ol><p>It’s important to note that these problems aren’t limited to Gmail — any website that uses cookies to authenticate requests can be taken advantage of the same way. Taking the security measures above will help protect all your online accounts too.</p>" />
    Attention: Gmail exploit lets attackers forward your email to them
    回复:0 | 发布时间:2008-11-25 17:27:42
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